浏览Internet上的中文站点总觉得亲切、自然,作为为数不多的中文站点之一的Chinabyte(www.chinabyte.com)则以精美的页面(平均每页50多幅图像)、丰富的内容而引入注目(每天访问量达10万人次)。现在Chinabyte已有4GB的信息量,新闻栏目每天更新一次,专栏和软件库每周更新一次。自成立之初(今年1月15日)到现在,Chinabyte可谓发展迅速。据其技术部陆小虎先生介绍,Chinabyte分为内网和外网两部分,中间以防火墙相隔。内网为交互式网络,两台服务器(Sun Ultra 170E)分别与交换机的100Mbps端口相连,每个工作组(一台或数台工作站)共享10Mbps带宽。用户浏览的是外网的服务器,内网主要是制作及员工使用。早在筹备阶段,Chinabyte就对业务量有充分的估计,为了更好地组织数据、更新和维护,并从性能和价格等因素综合比较,Chinabyte选用了Informix的Ⅲustra数据库和Netscape的Web Server。陆小虎先生指出,Informix的Ⅲustra允许将SQL语句嵌入Web页面,留有许多应用接口,扩展
The Chinese sites on the Internet are always kind and natural. Chinabyte (www.chinabyte.com), one of the few Chinese sites, has introduced a beautiful page (an average of more than 50 images per page) and rich content Note (daily visits amounted to 100,000 people). Chinabyte now has 4GB of information, the news section updated daily, columns and software library updated weekly. Since its inception (January 15, this year) until now, Chinabyte is booming. According to Mr. Lu Xiahu, his technical department, Chinabyte is divided into two parts: the inner network and the outer network, with the firewall in the middle. The intranet is an interactive network. Two servers (Sun Ultra 170E) are connected to the 100Mbps ports of the switch. Each workgroup (one or several workstations) shares 10Mbps of bandwidth. Users browse the Internet server, the main network is made and staff use. As early as the preparatory stage, Chinabyte had a full estimate of the business volume. In order to better organize the data, update and maintain, Chinabyte selected Informix Ⅲustra database and Netscape Web Server for comprehensive comparison of performance and price. Mr. Lu Xiaohu pointed out that Informix IIIustra allows SQL statements embedded in Web pages, leaving many application interfaces, extensions