在 ATM 取款机、POS 机与银行的交易系统之间流淌着的数据都直接代表着金钱,这些数据的安全可靠、网络的畅通以及系统的处理能力,都会对最终用户造成直接的影响。总部位于美国田纳西州西南部孟菲斯市的 Concord EFS 是美国重要的电子交易服务商,为美国的金融和商业机构所采用的各类电子支付和存款访问交易提供授权、捕获(capture)和结算服务。这家公司掌控着美国国内最大的 ATM 和 POS 终端网络。主要提供两方面的服务:支付服务和网络服务。支付服务是为超市、大零售商、石油商、便利店、货运公司以及独立零售商提供支付处理;网络服务主要是为金融机构提供 ATM 处理、储蓄卡处理、存款风险管理以及美国境内 STAR 品牌储蓄网络设施的接入,处理18万台ATM 机交易交割,并直接为其中的4.5万台 ATM 机提供管理服务
The data flowing between ATM machines, POS machines and bank transaction systems all directly represent money. The security of these data, the smooth flow of the network and the processing power of the system all have a direct impact on the end users. Concord EFS, headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., USA, is a leading U.S. electronic trading service that powers licensing, capture and billing services for a variety of electronic payment and deposit access transactions used by U.S. financial and commercial agencies. The company controls the nation’s largest ATM and POS terminal network. Mainly provide two services: payment services and network services. Payment services provide payment processing to supermarkets, major retailers, oil merchants, convenience stores, trucking companies and independent retailers. Network services primarily provide financial institutions with ATM processing, deposit card processing, deposit risk management and STAR brand savings in the United States Access to network facilities, deal with 180,000 ATM machine transaction delivery, and directly for 45,000 ATM machines to provide management services