本人在管理本机关局域网和系统广域网时,碰到过一次由于一段时间在外学习回到单位后,发现路由器的口令忘记而又没有记录下来的情形,当然经过一番周折最终解决了问题。现在将该过程归纳总结,希望对各位同仁能有所帮助。 下面这段文字解释了关于CISCO路由器或交换机几种恢复口令的方法,可以在大多数不改变硬件跳线的情况下完成口令的恢复,但是所有情况都需要重新启动路由器。口令恢复仅仅能够从物理Console口连到路由器上才可以做到。 当路由器的口令不幸被忘记或丢失,可以通过查看、改变口令而恢复口令,如果是新设备则可以删除原有配置重新开始。每种口令恢复方法大致有以下几个基本步
When I was managing the local area network and the system wide area network, I encountered a situation where I forgot to remember the password of the router after logging out of the unit for a period of time and did not record it. Of course after some twists and turns, I finally solved the problem. Now summarize the process, I hope all my colleagues can help. The following text explains several ways to recover a password on a CISCO router or switch that can recover the password most of the time without changing the hardware jumper but in all cases it is necessary to restart the router. Password recovery can only be done from the physical Console port to the router. When the router’s password is unfortunately forgotten or lost, you can restore the password by checking and changing the password. If it is a new device, you can delete the original configuration and start again. Each password recovery method generally has the following basic steps