从20世纪80年代开始,在美国和欧 洲一些国家的企业界和管理思想界,出 现了研究和推广学习型组织的热潮,并 风靡全球。近几年我们国家的部分企业 也在推广应用这一理论,但效果褒贬不 一,就国有企业而言,客观地说,运用这 种管理的整体效果并不尽如人意,使这 一理论的推广运用出现了严重的智障, 究其原因: 一、创建背景的差异 学习型组织理论产生并应用于20世 纪80年代的美国和一些欧洲国家,这些
Since the 1980s, there has been a boom in the study and promotion of learning organizations in the business and management thinking communities in the United States and some European countries, and has swept the world. In recent years, some enterprises in our country are also promoting the application of this theory, but the results are mixed. In the case of state-owned enterprises, it is objectively said that the overall effect of using such management is not satisfactory and that this theory The promotion of the use of a serious mental retardation, the reason: First, to create the background of the theory of differentiated learning organization and applied to the 1980s in the United States and some European countries, these