乳腺癌是严重威胁妇女身心健康的常见恶性肿瘤之一, 本文采用多因素分析方法,通过配对病例对照研究探索武汉市女性乳腺癌发病的危险因素。1.对象与方法:病例组为2002年7月至2003年8月在武汉市6所三甲医院住院的武汉籍女性乳腺癌患者262例, 所有病例均经检查确诊。对照组选自与患者同期住院的武
Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors that threaten women’s physical and mental health. In this paper, we used multivariate analysis to explore the risk factors of breast cancer in Wuhan by paired case-control study. 1. Subjects and Methods: The case group consisted of 262 female patients with breast cancer who were hospitalized in Wuhan from the top three hospitals in Wuhan from July 2002 to August 2003. All the cases were confirmed by examination. The control group was selected from the same hospitalized patients with Wu