城市建设的目的是使人们能够愉快地工作和生活这是古希腊学者提 出来的是古典的定义中国的古代哲学也 讲这个老子早就说过安其居乐其业如果实践背离了这 样一个目的就要发生灾难要注重建筑科学的 规律要尊重建筑科学家 的创造要提高全社会特别是广大青少年的建筑科学文化素质
The purpose of urban construction is to enable people to work and live happily This is the ancient Greek scholar proposed is the classical definition China’s ancient philosophy also said that I have long said that if their own enjoyment of their careers If the practice deviated from such an objective It is necessary to pay attention to the laws of building science disaster should respect the creation of building scientists to improve the whole society, especially the vast majority of young people building science and cultural quality