水稻细菌性基腐病是80年代初在我国新发现的病害,近年来在南方各省为害日趋严重。 几年来在各地田间调查表明,不同水稻品种之间的抗病性差异很大。因此,选用抗病品种可望成为防治该病的有效措施之一。为此我们从江苏省农科院粮食所、本校育种教研组、江苏里下河地区农科所、武进县和安徽歙县种子公司等单位收集了622个品种的种子。在苗期(30天秧龄)用9×10~(8fu)/毫升浓度的菌液进行浸根接种,每品种接20株苗,按五级记载并计算病情指数。资
Bacterial base rot disease of rice is a newly discovered disease in our country in the early 1980s. In recent years, it has become more and more serious in the southern provinces. Field surveys in various places over the past few years show that there is great difference in disease resistance among different rice varieties. Therefore, the selection of resistant varieties is expected to become one of the effective measures to prevent and treat the disease. To this end, we collected 622 varieties of seeds from the Grain Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Breeding Teaching and Research Group of our school, the Agricultural Science Institute of Lixiahe District of Jiangsu Province, the seed companies of Wujin County and Anhui Juxian County. In seedling stage (30 days seedling age) with 9 × 10 ~ (8fu) / ml concentration of liquid immersion root inoculation, each strain of 20 plants, according to five records and calculate the disease index. Capital