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英国大诗人本·琼生这样评价莎士比亚:“他不但属于一个时代,而且属于所有的时代。”其实,这也适用于柏拉图。作为古希腊的思想家,柏拉图的影子涉及西方的一切精神领域。公元前428年(或427年),他出生在雅典一个门第显赫的富贵之家,父母均为贵族后裔,父名阿里斯同,母名裴里克提娥奈。据说柏拉图原名阿里斯托克勒斯,后因胸肩宽阔,被谐音词pla-ton取而代之。他天资聪颖,幼年受过良好的教育。二十岁师从 Benjamin Johnson, the great poet of the United Kingdom, commented on Shakespeare: “He belongs not only to an era but to all the times.” Actually, this applies to Plato as well. As an ancient Greek thinker, the shadow of Plato involves all the spiritual areas of the West. In 428 BC (or 427 BC), he was born in Athens, a prominent wealthy home, whose parents were all descendants of Aristocrats. His father, Aries, and his mother, Peiric T’Ene. It is said that Plato, formerly Aristocles, was widened by his chest and shoulders and replaced by the homonym pla-ton. He is very talented and has a good education in his childhood. Twenty year old teacher