所谓高效精养模式是指以1-2种吃食性鱼类为主,配养少量凶猛性鱼类和滤食性鱼类的一种高密度的水产养殖模式。这种养殖方式以投喂优质全价饲料为特点,与传统肥水养鱼方式存在根本的区别,因此在水质管理上也有很大的不同。 一、高效精养模式下的水质要求 在高效精养模式下
The so-called efficient intensive mode refers to 1-2 kinds of eating fish, with a small amount of ferocious fish and filter-feeding fish a high-density aquaculture mode. This breeding method to feed high-quality full-fledged feed features, and the traditional way of manure and fish there is a fundamental difference, so there are also very different water quality management. First, the efficient mode of intensive water quality requirements in intensive mode