1. IntroductionAn electron temperature profile with a stronginternal transport barrier (ITB) at the core hasbeen commonly observed during lower hybrid cur-rent drive (LHCD) in many tokamaks. In earlierexperiments [1] [2], a correlation between the peakedtemperature and the suppression of MHD activitieshas been discussed because the peaked temperaturealways appeared after suppression of sawteeth andthe m = 1 modes. The current profile measure-ment in the ASDEX tokamak has shown that LHCD
1. IntroductionAn electron temperature profile with a strong internal transport barrier (ITB) at the core has often observed at lower hybrid cur-rent drive (LHCD) in many tokamaks. In earlierexperiments [1] [2], a correlation between the peak temperature and the suppression of MHD activitieshas been discussed because the peaked temperaturealways have been after suppression of sawteeth andthem = 1 modes. The current profile measure-ment in the ASDEX tokamak has shown that LHCD