透骨香系杜鹃花科白珠树属植物滇白株[Gaultheria yunnauensis(Franch)Rehd]又名钻骨风、白株树、火炭子。以全株入药。有祛风除湿、舒筋活络、活血止痛作用,临床上常用于治疗风湿性关节炎、跌打损伤,胃寒疼痛等证。我们对透骨香根茎进行了镇痛、抗炎的药理研究,现将结果报告如下。
The bone-to-sweet azaleas of the azalea family Gingeria yunnauensis (Franch) Rehd are also known as Dendrobium, White Tree, and Foxon. Whole plant medicine. It has the effects of dehumidification and dehumidification, Shujinhuoxue, blood circulation and pain relief, and is commonly used clinically for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, cold stomach pain, and other syndromes. We have conducted analgesic and anti-inflammatory pharmacological studies on T. chinense roots and report the results as follows.