通过对地面灌溉条件下不同灌溉量和灌水量下长绒棉蕾铃脱落情况的调查,研究了灌溉量、灌水量对长绒棉全生育期、不同生育时期、不同果枝节位蕾铃脱落的影响。结果显示灌溉量过少或过多,棉花蕾铃脱落都较严重,只有灌溉量达到适宜水平,同时能够及时补充水分,蕾铃脱落才相对较低。在南疆阿克苏地区灌溉量6 000~6 200 m3/hm2蕾铃脱落率最小。棉花蕾铃脱落在花铃期比较严重,所以应注意此时棉花对水分和养分的供应。棉花中部脱落比较严重,尤其是第7果节位达到8%~9%以上。
Through surveying the fall of long-staple cotton bolls under different irrigation amounts and irrigation amounts under surface irrigation conditions, the effects of irrigation amount and irrigation amount on the fall-off of the buds at different growth stages, influences. The results showed that the irrigation amount was too little or too much, the cotton buds were shed more seriously. Only when the irrigation amount reached the appropriate level, the water could be replenished promptly, and the buds dropped off relatively low. In the southern Aksu irrigation area of 6 000 ~ 6 200 m3 / hm2 buds off the smallest rate. Cotton buds fall off in the flowering period is more serious, so should pay attention to the supply of moisture and nutrients at this time of cotton. Cotton is more serious in the middle, especially the 7th node of 8% to 9%.