2001年3月11日上午,一封发自长春工程学院的信件,寄到河南省新密市人民检察院女检察官王爱武手中。信是无亲无故的“侄子”赵景伟寄来的,赵景伟信中写道:亲爱的婶婶,本学期我领到了100元奖学金,但我让给了更困难的同学。辅导员老师在全班表扬了我,他说“你现在付出这么多,将来得到的会更多。”信的扉页上写着:好人一生平安! 看着信,王爱武流下了激动的泪水。这泪水中蕴含着一段鲜为人知的真情故事。
On the morning of March 11, 2001, a letter from Changchun Institute of Engineering was sent to Wang Ai-wu, the prosecutor of Xinmin City People’s Procuratorate in Henan Province. The letter was sent by Zhao Jingwei, a “nephew” who had no relatives in his family. Zhao Dewei wrote: My dear Aunt, I received a scholarship of 100 RMB this semester, but I gave it to the more difficult classmates. Counselor teacher praised me in the class, he said, “You are paying so much now, in the future will get more.” Letter on the title page reads: good life safe! Looked at the letter, Wang Aiwu shed tears of excitement. This tears contains a little-known truth story.