甘肃省临潭县地处青藏高原与黄土高原过渡交汇地带,属高寒阴湿丘陵山区,海拔2 209~3 926 m,年平均气温3.8~4.5℃,年降水量520~600 mm。近年来,为解决设施农业生产过程中种植品种单一和经济效益不高的问题,临潭县农业技术推广服务站引进红提葡萄利用日光温室进行反季节设施栽培,通过人工控制和调节设施内温度、光照,创造适宜树体继续生长和果实发育的环境条件,延长生长期,延迟葡萄成
Lintan County, Gansu Province is located in the transitional zone of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau. It belongs to the alpine wet and humid hilly region, with an elevation of 2 209-3 396 m, annual average temperature of 3.8-4.5 ℃ and annual precipitation of 520-600 mm. In recent years, in order to solve the problem of planting single species and low economic efficiency in the facility agricultural production process, Lintan County Agricultural Technology Extension Service Station introduced the red-grapes and used the greenhouse to cultivate the anti-seasonal facilities. Through artificial control and adjustment of the temperature , Light, to create a suitable tree to continue the growth and fruit development of environmental conditions, to extend the growth period, delayed grape into