它躺在盘里,你能想象它带着焦香的口感,一刀横切下去,深褐的表皮下是粉嫩的肉,挤压的汁水沾染了刀面。接下来,你只撒了一点海盐,便在舌尖感觉到了它柔嫩又浓郁的牛味。对肉食爱好者来说,没有什么食物比这块牛扒更具诱惑力了。1515牛排馆45天D.A带骨肉眼排静安香格里拉大酒店的1515牛排房是上海目前最专业的扒房,提供干湿两种熟成方式的23种牛扒,其中带骨肉眼、T骨和Porterhouse三种为餐厅自制Dry Aging,T骨的熟成时间更长达50天,“并不是所有部位都适合
It lay on the plate, you can imagine it with a faint smell of woody, cut across the knife, dark brown skin is pink meat, squeezed juice contaminated with a knife. Next, you sprinkle a little salt and feel the tender, rich cow’s taste on your tongue. For meat lovers, nothing is more tempting than this piece of steak. 1515 Steak House 45 days DA With Barefoot Eyes 1515 The Steak House at Shangri-La Hotel is the most professional steak house in Shanghai. It offers 23 kinds of steaks, both wet and dry, with a fleshy eye, T-bone and Porterhouse III Dry Aging for home-made restaurants, T bone maturation time up to 50 days, ”Not all parts are suitable