为了解武定县中小学生吸烟状况,探讨有关吸烟影响因素和干预措施.于1996年6~10月对全县16所普通中学、13所中心小学的学生进行调查.结果报告如下:1 调查对象及方法1.1 以全县16所中学初中二年级在校学生821名(男生465名,女生356名),13所中心小学五年级在校学生1112名(男生558名,女生554名),共1933名为调查对象.调查采用问卷方式,内容包括性别、班级、吸烟程度,吸烟与健康关系的知识、态度及行为等.要求学生如实填写,不署名,不讨论,当场交卷.由专业人员统计分析.吸烟情况的判断按文献标准.2 结果与分析2.1 吸烟率 1933名学生,112人吸烟,总吸烟率为5.79%,其中男生吸烟率为9.38%(96/1023),女生为1.76%(16/910),男生高于女生,差异有高度显著性(X~2=51.32.P<0.01).中学生吸烟率为9.74%(80/821),小学生为2.88%(32/1112),中学生明显高于小学生,差异有高度显著性(X~2=40.80,P<0.01).2.2 吸烟动机 112名吸烟者中,觉得吸烟好玩的33人,占29.46%;觉得吸烟有风度的14人,占12.50%;为社交吸烟的37人,占33.04%;为消愁解闷吸烟的28人,占25.00%、吸第一支烟来自同学、朋
In order to understand the smoking status of primary and secondary school students in Wuding County and to explore the influential factors and interventions on smoking, the students of 16 general middle schools and 13 central primary schools in the county were surveyed from June to October in 1996. The results are reported as follows: And Methodology 1.1 There are 821 students (465 boys and 356 girls) in the second grade of 16 middle schools in the county, 1112 students (558 boys and 554 girls) in the 13th grade primary school for a total of 1933 Named surveyed.The survey using a questionnaire, including gender, class, smoking, smoking and health knowledge, attitude and behavior, etc. Students are required to fill in accurately, not signed, not discuss, on the spot.To the professional statistical analysis .2 The smoking status was judged according to the literatures.2 Results and Analysis 2.1 Smoking rate 1933 students and 112 people smoked, with a total smoking rate of 5.79%, of which the male smoking rate was 9.38% (96/1023) and the female was 1.76% (16 / 910), boys were higher than girls, the difference was highly significant (X ~ 2 = 51.32.P <0.01) .The smoking rate of middle school students was 9.74% (80/821), that of primary school students was 2.88% (32/1112) Higher than primary school students, the difference was highly significant (X ~ 2 = 40.80, P <0.01) .2.2 smoking motivation 112 smokers, 33 people think smoking fun, accounting for 29.46%; 14 people feel smoking demeanor, accounting for 12.50%; 37 for social smokers, accounting for 33.04%; eliminate worry relieve smoking 28, accounting for 25.00%, smoking the first cigarette from classmates, friends