
来源 :中国橡胶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kocis2815
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为配合9月1日起执行的国家标准《GB/T 33159-2016钢帘线试验方法》的实施,中国橡胶工业协会橡胶测试专业委员会将开展“硫化橡胶与钢帘线黏合性能试验方法”比对实验,正在积极接受各实验室的报名。为吸引有关单位积极参与,该工作采取自愿申报、免费参加的形式,从而加深实验室对新国标的理解,提升行业的检验与测试能力和水平。 In line with the implementation of the national standard “GB / T 33159-2016 steel cord test method” implemented on September 1, the Rubber Testing Committee of China Rubber Industry Association will carry out the “Test Method of Adhesive Properties of Vulcanized Rubber and Steel Cord” Compared to the experiment, is actively accepting the registration of each laboratory. In order to attract the active participation of relevant units, the work takes the form of voluntary declaration and free participation, thereby deepening the laboratory’s understanding of the new national standard and enhancing the inspection and testing capabilities and level in the industry.
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