2006年,许多二、三线游戏厂商的表现同样各具特色。而像完美时空2007年完全有机会挤进一线厂商俱乐部。下面让我们来一起盘点第二阵营中最具代表性的四家公司。奋起直追的完美时空2005年开始火爆的《完美世界》为完美时空2006年的辉煌打下了坚实的基础,甚至让我们一度以为完美时空是中国游戏原创力量的希望。抛开游戏本身不说,完美时空在把握市场方面还是值得称道的:在《武林外传》席卷年轻一代观众的时候,完美时空立即以迅雷不及掩耳之势推出了同名网游,《武林外传》内测的时候,甚至很多人还没来得及看完那80集电视剧。而《完美世界国际版》更是接着风光了一把——选大牌代言人、十国玩家 PK,闹得不亦乐平。《武林外传》称得上是完美时空在免费游戏领域的试水之作,因为很多东西直接抄自《完美世界》,所以《武林外传》在游戏程序方面表现良好,然而游戏内容却真的是乏善可陈——除了几个
In 2006, many second-tier and third-tier game makers also performed differently. And like Perfect World 2007 has the opportunity to squeeze into the first-tier manufacturers club. Let us now count the four most representative companies in the second camp. The perfect time to catch up in 2005 Started the popular “Perfect World” for the perfect space 2006 laid a solid foundation for glory, and even let us once thought Perfect World is the hope of the original power of Chinese games. Put aside the game itself does not say that the perfect time to grasp the market is commendable: “Wulin rumored” swept the younger generation when the audience, the perfect space immediately Thunderbolt launched the same name online games, “Wulin rumored” within When measured, even a lot of people have not had time to watch that 80 episodes of the TV series. The “Perfect World International Edition” is followed by a handful - selected big names spokesman, PK ten countries players, downtown is also pleasures. “Legend of Martial Arts” is the perfect test of time and space in the field of free games, because many things directly copied from the “perfect world”, so “Martial Arts” in the game program performed well, but the game content is really Cautious - except a few