捷克:偏爱“掠劫者Ⅱ”2006年,捷克国防部在对奥地利斯泰尔公司“掠劫者Ⅱ”装甲车和芬兰帕特里亚(Patria)公司模块化装甲车考察后,决定选择“掠劫者Ⅱ”型8×8轮式装甲车,以替代陆军从20世纪60年代开始使用的 OT-64两栖装甲车,并签署了购买199辆和有权追加35辆同型装甲车的合同,总价值约10亿美元。捷克军方对这种装甲车的要求是能够满足空运要求。根据合同,首批17辆装甲车必须
Czech Republic: preference for “looters Ⅱ” In 2006, after examining the modular armored vehicles of the Austrian Steyr Company’s “Pick-Up II” armored vehicles and the Finnish Patria Company, the Ministry of Defense decided that Select the “Cataclys II” 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle to replace the Army OT-64 amphibious armored vehicle that began operation in the 1960s and has signed a contract to buy 199 vehicles and the right to 35 additional armored vehicles The total value is about 1 billion U.S. dollars. The Czech military’s demand for such armored vehicles is to meet the airlift requirements. Under the contract, the first 17 armored vehicles must be