In the later years, Ricoeur constructed his own hermeneutics in his later years and continued his early philosophy of mind. The creation of the concept of “his own” is the keystone for Ricoeur to complete the philosophy building of his will. At the ontological level, first of all, the existence of oneself is manifested by the reflection in the reflection through the analysis of the detour; and then, the existence of oneself is manifested as the fulfillment / potential by the test whether or not itself is the same in time In the sense of being, it is manifested as the existence of an effective and powerful base. Finally, the existence of oneself is manifested as the passive acceptance by the dissimilarity with the other, one other than oneself and the conscience , Which exists and “body card ” coincidence. Ultimately, the reciprocal nature of one’s own and dissimilarities echoes the intertwined and unwilling reciprocal relationship of Ricoeur’s early years.