At a press conference onDecember 29, 2014, WangJinzhen, general representa-tive for the China Pavilionat World Expo 2015 & vice presidentof CCPIT said,"This is the first timethat China will open a national pavil-ion at an overseas expo. During MilanExpo 2015, the China Pavilion willhold hundreds of activities and act asa platform for further promoting co-operation between China and Italy ina variety of fields such as agriculture,travel, culture, and finance."
China Pavilion Highlights
At the press conference, WangJinzhen introduced some of thehighlights at the China Pavilion thisyear. First, the event is important toChina. The theme of the China pa-vilion is agriculture & food. China,as the second-largest economy in theworld, is an important agriculturalcountry with a large population,meaning it is very important to havea high quality exhibit at the Expo.Second, the theme is well defined.The China Pavilion's theme of "landof hope, food for life" will focus onChina's efforts to use resources ef-fectively, and safeguard its food se-curityin order_to provide healthy andhigh quality food. Third, the ChinaPavilion is large with a avariety ofexhibits. The pavilion will cover 4,590square meters, making it the second-largest self-constructed pavilion afterGermany's Pavilion. This is also thefirst time that China will have twoenterprise pavilions, which are theChina Enterprises Pavilion and theVanke Pavilion. Fourth, the designis excellent. The China Pavilion hasbeen designed by Tsinghua Universityand looks like a cloud hovering overa "field of hope", and the Pavilion hasas a sheltered public plaza beneatha floating roof that incorporates thebuilding's cultural and exhibition pro-grams. There are five main exhibitionzones including introduction, sky,earth, humanity and harmony, show-ing China's concepts for agricultureand food through rich exhibitions andthe themed film Tuanyuan. Fifth,lots of activities will connect togetherwithin the platform.
Mr. Wang also gave an update onthe latest progress of the China Pavil-ion. The construction will be finishedin April 2015, and the committee willwork with several media outlets topromote the China Pavilion and itsactivities. For instance, China Daily'swebsite will host the Pavilion's officialwebsite for Milan Expo 2015 (www.expochina2015.org). A road show willbe held by the Committee of the MilanExpo and the Committee of the ChinaPavilion from October 2014 to March2015 in eight cities including Beijingand Shanghai. And other activities willalso be held at the same time. An opportunity to furtherincrease cooperation betweenChina and Italy
Mr. Wang also emphasized that2015 marks the 45th anniversary ofthe diplomatic relationship betweenChina and Italy; so leaders fromboth sides will focus their attentionon the Milan Expo, which will bean opportunity to improve bilateralrelationships, expand communica-tion, strengthen understanding, anddeepen strategic relationships, as wellas further promote cooperation andhealthy development.
"Our two countries have ex-changed views on full bilateral coop-eration. In the future, we will expandcooperation on energy efficiency,sustainable urbanization and modernagriculture, and develop better tie-son finance, trade, travel and so on,"Wang mentioned.
He believes that the Expo wouldalso provide a platform for more co-operation between local cities andenterprises. He said that the ChinaPavilion will hold a series of activityweeks and activity days in 17 Chineseprovinces and cities, as well as 10China Pavilion cooperative enterprisedays and nearly one hundred activi-ties. "We will also reinforce bilateralexchange in terms of culture, forinstance Chinese and Italian volun-teers will be involved in operating theChina Pavilion," He said.
During Milan Expo 2015,many tourists will travel to Italy;Wang thought it would promotemore people-to-people exchange, andstrengthen understanding betweenthe two countries.
Milan Expo 2015 will be heldfrom May l to October 31, with thetheme of "Feeding the Planet, Energyfor Life". Till now, 147 countries andinternational organizations have con-firmed their participation in the Expo,which is expected to attract over 20million visitors.
China Pavilion Highlights
At the press conference, WangJinzhen introduced some of thehighlights at the China Pavilion thisyear. First, the event is important toChina. The theme of the China pa-vilion is agriculture & food. China,as the second-largest economy in theworld, is an important agriculturalcountry with a large population,meaning it is very important to havea high quality exhibit at the Expo.Second, the theme is well defined.The China Pavilion's theme of "landof hope, food for life" will focus onChina's efforts to use resources ef-fectively, and safeguard its food se-curityin order_to provide healthy andhigh quality food. Third, the ChinaPavilion is large with a avariety ofexhibits. The pavilion will cover 4,590square meters, making it the second-largest self-constructed pavilion afterGermany's Pavilion. This is also thefirst time that China will have twoenterprise pavilions, which are theChina Enterprises Pavilion and theVanke Pavilion. Fourth, the designis excellent. The China Pavilion hasbeen designed by Tsinghua Universityand looks like a cloud hovering overa "field of hope", and the Pavilion hasas a sheltered public plaza beneatha floating roof that incorporates thebuilding's cultural and exhibition pro-grams. There are five main exhibitionzones including introduction, sky,earth, humanity and harmony, show-ing China's concepts for agricultureand food through rich exhibitions andthe themed film Tuanyuan. Fifth,lots of activities will connect togetherwithin the platform.
Mr. Wang also gave an update onthe latest progress of the China Pavil-ion. The construction will be finishedin April 2015, and the committee willwork with several media outlets topromote the China Pavilion and itsactivities. For instance, China Daily'swebsite will host the Pavilion's officialwebsite for Milan Expo 2015 (www.expochina2015.org). A road show willbe held by the Committee of the MilanExpo and the Committee of the ChinaPavilion from October 2014 to March2015 in eight cities including Beijingand Shanghai. And other activities willalso be held at the same time. An opportunity to furtherincrease cooperation betweenChina and Italy
Mr. Wang also emphasized that2015 marks the 45th anniversary ofthe diplomatic relationship betweenChina and Italy; so leaders fromboth sides will focus their attentionon the Milan Expo, which will bean opportunity to improve bilateralrelationships, expand communica-tion, strengthen understanding, anddeepen strategic relationships, as wellas further promote cooperation andhealthy development.
"Our two countries have ex-changed views on full bilateral coop-eration. In the future, we will expandcooperation on energy efficiency,sustainable urbanization and modernagriculture, and develop better tie-son finance, trade, travel and so on,"Wang mentioned.
He believes that the Expo wouldalso provide a platform for more co-operation between local cities andenterprises. He said that the ChinaPavilion will hold a series of activityweeks and activity days in 17 Chineseprovinces and cities, as well as 10China Pavilion cooperative enterprisedays and nearly one hundred activi-ties. "We will also reinforce bilateralexchange in terms of culture, forinstance Chinese and Italian volun-teers will be involved in operating theChina Pavilion," He said.
During Milan Expo 2015,many tourists will travel to Italy;Wang thought it would promotemore people-to-people exchange, andstrengthen understanding betweenthe two countries.
Milan Expo 2015 will be heldfrom May l to October 31, with thetheme of "Feeding the Planet, Energyfor Life". Till now, 147 countries andinternational organizations have con-firmed their participation in the Expo,which is expected to attract over 20million visitors.