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  项目管理在发展,项目管理人的视角需不断延伸,我们不应只关心项目管理四要素,还需考虑项目管理过程的生态、社会、经济足迹。传统的项目管理与绿色项目管理有何区别?如何才能让可持续性的理念贯串项目管理的整个生命周期?如何对项目管理的可持续性进行评估?如何用可持续性的眼光看待项目风险和机会?可持续项目管理有何衡量标准?带着这些疑问,我们采访了绿色项目管理全球组织(GPM Global)的创始人乔尔·卡尔博尼(Joel Carboni)。
  乔尔·卡尔博尼,博士学位,从业20余年,IPMA美国分会主席,绿色项目管理全球组织的创始人,PRiSM项目管理方法架构师,《绿色项目管理参考指南》(GPM Reference Guide)作者之一。
  一项针对103个国家27个行业的1 000名CEO的调查显示,93%的CEO认为可持续性对成功至关重要。在全球市场上,可持续性已被看成是“必需品”。正如乔尔·卡尔博尼所说,项目管理是一座桥,将项目与可持续发展这一宏伟目标连接在一起。我们有理由相信,绿色项目管理将成为时代主流。

  As founder of GPM (Green Project Management) Global, you are at the forefront of sustainability management. As an organization, what is GPM Global’s focus? What is “Green Project Management” by definition?
  Joel Carboni: The global focus on sustainable development, climate change, ethical behavior, social responsibility, and transparent supply chains has increased in recent years. So have the demands for sustainable business practices. As a supporter of the United Nations Global Compact, GPM views our role in fostering global citizenship, through advocacy for sustainable projects as our primary remit.
  We are a global organization that advocates sustainability in the project profession. We help companies become more resilient, governments more efficient, and societies more robust, all while safeguarding our natural resources.
  As a social enterprise, we focus on evolving the project profession through principled and value-based methods. From our multiple award-winning standards to our training, assessments, and certifications, our goal is to drive sustainable business and realize the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs).
  The difference between green/sustainable project management and traditional project management is simply the adherence to a set of principles and looking at project and project management success as more than inputs, outputs, and processes but rather the impacts of what we are doing on society, the environment, and the economy both micro and macro. Globally, humanity is at a crossroads. Problems stemming from humans induced climate change, population increases, lack of potable water, and income & gender inequalities. It is imperative for all professions to self assess what impacts they are making to improve our plant and society for future generations. According to research by Accenture and the UN Global Compact, out of 1,000 global CEOs, from 27 industries across 103 countries, 93% regard sustainability as key to success.   Give us some details on Sustainability Assessment Model and GPM certification, please.
  Joel Carboni: From a modeling perspective, our methodology PRiSM which is an acronym for PRojects integrating Sustainable Methods, uses an asset lifecycle approach with a focus on impacts, risks, value and benefits.
  PRiSM is a principles-based, sustainable project management methodology. Its key difference from traditional approaches is that it incorporates a value-maximization model that focuses on the total asset lifecycle. PRiSM puts projects into a more strategic focus by leveraging existing organizational systems to ensure that benefits are realized horizontally and vertically, with the utmost attention focused on process and product sustainability.
  PRiSM is based on our award winning P5 Standard for Sustainability in Project Management, and is effective in reducing project level risk, from an environmental, social and economic perspective while expanding the range of benefits to be gained. PRiSM extends beyond the typical project lifecyle with a five phased approach that incporporates pre-project planning, product/service adoption and integration as well as benefits realization.
  We offer certification globally. Our program is three tiered and begins with the GPM-b (or basic) where a knowledge assessment on sustainability is conducted via exam. This is our most popular certification. From there, we focus on ability in our GPM-s(Specialist) and GPM-m (Master). The Specialist, which is a revamp of what we used to simply call the GPM requires evidence of the integration of sustainable methods with project delivery. This is conducted via case study submittal and in person interview. Our Master-level certification requires advanced experience, and the GPM’s case study submittals as well as an academic paper.
  We are often asked if our certifications should be sought out instead of a PMI or IPMA certification and while we do assess competence in project management, our certifications are specializations.
  About P5 Standard for sustainability in project management, would you please offer us a brief introduction? What does P5 represent?
  Joel Carboni: P5 stands for People, Planet, Prosperity, Process and Products. The P5 Standard is a tool that supports the alignment of portfolios, programs, and projects with organizational strategy for sustainability and focuses on the impacts of project processes and deliverables on the environment, society, the corporate bottom line, and the local economy.   Our P5 Standard for sustainability in project management, a free resource, provides guidance on sustainability to ensure benefits maximization and risk mitigation and ties in to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), thus creating a bridge between all projects to a larger cause.
  P5 is not a methodology for how to create the environment, however, it provides the principles or foundation for a methodology such GPM’s PRiSM. The P5 Standard represents a structure, as it defines something. The simplest way to explain P5 is that it is made of bonds between the triple bottom line approach, project processes and the resulting products or services.
  What kinds of portfolios, programs and projects can be defined as sustainable? Are there any principles to follow?
  Joel Carboni: In order to be sustainable, portfolios, programs, and projects should adhere to the following six principles:
  1) Commitment & Accountability: Recognize the essential rights of all to healthy, clean and safe environments, equal opportunity, fair remuneration, ethical procurement, and adherence to rule of law.
  2) Ethics & Decision Making: Support organizational ethics, decision making with respect for universal principles through identification, mitigation, and the prevention of adverse short and long-term impacts on society and the environment.
  3) Integrated & Transparent: Foster the interdependence of economic development, social integrity, and environmental protection in all aspects of governance, practice and reporting. 4) Principles & Values Based: Conserve and enhance our natural resource base by improving the ways in which we develop and use technologies and resources.
  5) Social & Ecological Equity: Assess human vulnerability in ecologically sensitive areas and centres of population through demographic dynamics.
  6) Economic Prosperity: Adhere to fiscal strategies, objectives, and targets that balance the needs of stakeholders, including immediate needs and those of future generations.
  How can we incorporate sustainability into projects? If an enterprise is eager to start sustainable project management, what’s your advice for them?
  Joel Carboni: The key is to shift to a benefits-focused mindset and to do sustainability management planning. We were very prescriptive of how to do this in our new book Sustainable Project Management: The GPM Reference Guide, but the short of it is to look at risks and opportunities through a sustainable lens. For example, if the project calls for the development of a manufacturing facility, ensure that it makes use of renewable energy as part of the plan and also accounts for any contamination to air, soil, and water. Our P5 standard, which is free from our website, explains this in detail.   For an enterprise interested in initiating green project management, the first step is to determine what the sustainability goals are for the organization. Once they are in place, integrating management practices that contribute to the goals into project governance. As over 30% of the world’s GDP is directly related to project work, there are tremendous opportunities for organizations to benefit from doing so.
  Would you please suggest a way to integrate more sustainable methods into our existing project management approaches?
  Joel Carboni: Whether it is an Agile approach, Waterfall method or something else, all of them, in order to be effective, must be tailored to the organization. All projects have a business case and the objectives for sustainability the project’s product should be included. We advocate the use of a sustainability management plan or SMP which ties organizational and project objectives for sustainability together and focuses on risk and opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  How can we sell a sustainable project management approach to our customers?
  Joel Carboni: Every Executive has sustainability on their radar. They know it is important and that the global market has shifted to see sustainability as a necessity. Their challenge is how to implement it. I wouldn’t so much as“sell” it to customers but rather make them aware that there are sustainable project practices available that can increase benefits, reduce risks and ensure as sustainable production as possible. It essentially sells itself.
  What are the challenges or barriers in promoting PM sustainability?
  Joel Carboni: The barriers are predominantly two-fold. The first is that organizations do not place a high enough value on sustainability from a business process perspective. Due to this, management practices often lack sustainable methods. For example, in a project business case, KPIs for sustainability are rarely included.
  The second is that project management has been fixated on time, cost, and scope as the foundational constraints and needs to expand to include risk, value, and benefits that are directly tied to social, environmental, and economic impacts.
  What’s your observation about green project management in China?
  Joel Carboni: We have had success in China and over the past year, over 40 trainers were certified in Beijing. It is well known that Chinese culture lends to thoughtful and long-term planning, often decades into the future. With China taking the global lead in renewable energy among other sustainability areas, there will be increased demands for project managers who understand how to incorporate sustainability into projects in order to meet some of the goals the country has set. We are ready and eager to support.
  As a leading expert on this topic, what do you think of the future of sustainable project management?
  Joel Carboni: As the global leader in this topic, we have seen rapid growth in the adoption of our P5 standard for sustainability in project management, which is a good indicator. In 2016, we surveyed over 50,000 individuals from over 100 countries who have downloaded the P5 and 93% of the respondents stated that it helped improve project success. This is a clear marker that sustainable project management is increasing in value and we believe that in the future,“mainstream” project management and sustainable project management will become one and the same.
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鞍山支队党委顺应队伍正规化、专业化、职业化建设发展方向,聚焦高负荷、高压力、高风险职业特点,积极回应关切、主动破题出招,结合国内外经验做法和队伍实际,历时两年时间,积极探索消防救援职业健康保障建设的新路子,深度融合康复疗养、心理服务、健康管理、技能培训、遂行保障、休闲娱乐等功能于一体,创新建设消防员职业健康与生命安全保障中心。  保障中心主体功能区建筑面积约4000平方米,主要包括“七区十室一园一
6月15日,国家会议中心报告厅。北京消防协会主办的“100 名消防老兵讲故事”公益活动发布仪式活动在《没有共产党就没有新中国》的歌声中拉开序幕。  中国消防协会副会长尹俊士,活动总顾问、原北京消防总队政委张宝林,审核组组长、原北京消防总队总队长吴志强,八路军研究会会长刘进,中国老龄事业发展基金会理事长于建伟,市退役军人事务局、市民政局、市消防救援总队等有关部门领导、嘉宾、消防老兵代表、会员单位代表
张宝林  北京消防协会启动“100名消防老兵讲故事,庆祝建党100周年”的公益活动,恰逢我从戎消防60周年、光荣入党55周年之际,这深深触发了我的感恩情怀。我从当年一个刚过16岁的初中生,到后来成为首都消防战线的一名领导干部,所有的进步和成绩都是党培养教育的结果,都是消防部队锤炼锻造的结晶。我参加老兵讲故事活动是有很多话想说的,千言万语归纳三段话吧。  (一)  这拨老消防  生就是块钢  烈火铸
他是項目管理界的赛车手。在他看来,项目管理与赛车可以并驾齐驱,互惠双赢。项目管理经验能够让他更好地备战比赛,而赛车的惊险刺激也加深了他对项目管理中“高效”一词的理解。  他是项目管理界的先行者。目前全球范围内关于项目管理的认证品种众多,他率先提出了评估项目管理认证有效性的三项标准(先决条件、覆盖面、评估的严格程度),并建立了“认证有效度立方体”模型。  他是项目管理界的开拓者。根据自己对行业的观察