中国人民银行根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等有关法律,于1995年7月27日颁布了《贷款通则》,《贷款通则》的实施,对规范贷款行为、保护借贷双方的合法权益,提高贷款质量,加速信贷资金周转等,具有重大意义。笔者通过学习《贷款通则》,结合金融工作实际,在此谈点浅见。 一、《贷款通则》的实施有利于银行提高自身经济效益。《贷款通则》要求把银行贷款效益放在首位,要求借款人必须有按期还本付息的能力。为了解决专业银行长期代垫资金发放委托贷款的问题,通则对委托贷款进行了明确规定,指出:委托贷款的风险由委托人承担,贷款收取手续费,不得代垫资金。为了解决专业银行发放贴息贷款贴息资金长期不能到位的情况,通则要求贷款贴息应当坚持谁确定谁贴息的原则,应贴补的贷款利息,由利息贴补者直接补偿给借款人。为确保银行贷款效益,通
The People’s Bank of China promulgated the General Rules for Loans and General Rules for Loans on July 27, 1995 in accordance with the relevant laws such as the Law of the People’s Bank of China on the People’s Bank of China and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Commercial Banks, It is of great significance to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both lenders and borrowers, improve the quality of loans, and accelerate the turnover of credit funds. The author through learning “General Loans”, combined with the actual financial work, here to talk about humble opinion. First, the “General Rules for Loans” will help banks improve their economic efficiency. The General Rules for Loans require that the efficiency of bank loans be given the highest priority, requiring borrowers to have the ability to pay their debts regularly. In order to solve the problem of entrusted loans granted by professional banks on a long-term basis, the General Rules explicitly stipulate entrusted loans, stating that the risk of entrusted loans shall be borne by the clients and the loans shall be charged for handling fees and no funds shall be set aside. In order to solve the problem that the interest subsidy of subsidized loans issued by specialized banks can not be put in place for a long period of time, the general requirement is that loan discounting should be adhered to on the principle of who determines the interest subsidy and the loan interest that should be subsidized. The interest subsidy shall be directly compensated to the borrower. To ensure the effectiveness of bank loans, pass