6月3日,格尔木至库尔勒铁路新疆段开始全线铺轨,进出新疆的第三条铁路通道建设迈出了实质性的一步。格库铁路东起青海省茫崖石棉矿,向西穿越阿尔金山,经过巴什考供、米兰、若羌、铁干里克、尉犁后,西抵库尔勒,全长1 213 km,设计时速120 km。这条铁路投入运营后,新疆将形成以兰新铁路和兰新高铁为主通道、内蒙古额济纳至新疆哈密铁路为北通道、格尔木至库尔勒铁路为南通
June 3, Golmud to Xinjiang Korla railway segment began laying the track across the board, entering and leaving the third railway corridor in Xinjiang has taken a substantial step. Gekuo Railway east of Mangya from the Mangya mine in Qinghai Province, west through the Altun Mountains, after Bashkorte supply, Milan, Ruoqiang, Tiegan Rick, Yuli, arrived in western Korla, a total length of 1 213 km, the design speed of 120 km. After the railway is put into operation, Xinjiang will form the main channel with Lan-Xin Railway and Lan-Xin High-Speed Railway. The Inner Mongolia Ejin-Hami Railway is the north passage and the Golmud-Korla Railway is Nantong