PIV Measurements of Coolant Flow Field in a Diesel Engine Cylinder Head

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqh2012
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This paper presents experimental measurements of coolant flow field in the water jacket of a diesel engine cylinder head. The test was conducted at three different flow rates using a 2-D PIV system. Appropriate tracing particles were selected and delivery device was designed and manufactured before the test. The flow parameters, such as velocity, vorticity and turbulence, were used to analyze the flow field. The effects of vortex which was located between the intake valve and the exhaust valve were discussed. The experimental results showed an asymmetric distribution of velocity in the water jacket. This led to an asymmetric thermal distribution, which would shorten the service life of the cylinder head. The structure optimization to the water jacket of cylinder head was proposed in this paper. The experimental system, especially the 2-D PIV system, is a great help to study the coolant flow structure and analyze cooling mechanism in the diesel engine cylinder head. This paper presents experimental measurements of coolant flow field in the water jacket of a diesel engine cylinder head. The test was conducted at three different flow rates using a 2-D PIV system. Appropriate tracing particles were selected and delivery device was designed and manufactured before the test. The flow parameters, such as velocity, vorticity and turbulence, were used to analyze the flow field. The effects of vortex which was located between the intake valve and the exhaust valve were discussed. The experimental results showed an asymmetric distribution of velocity in the water jacket. This led to an asymmetric thermal distribution, which would shorten the service life of the cylinder head. The structure optimization to the water jacket of cylinder head was proposed in this paper. The experimental system, especially the 2-D PIV system, is a great help to study the coolant flow structure and analyze cooling mechanism in the diesel engine cylinder head.
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一  翼城县在山西南部,这里古迹众多,县域东部的隆化镇南撖村就保存有一座元代修建的东岳庙,现为国家重点文物保护单位。  南撖东岳庙布局规整,规模较大,占地面积0.266公顷,现保存有大殿、东西耳殿、东西配殿、献殿、东西碑廊、东西单间殿,由大殿前檐当心间东柱柱头铺作上的泥道漫下皮有“至元二十七年”字样题记可知,为1290年所修。根据献殿的建筑规制,与大殿进行比较可知当属同一时期建筑。庙内碑刻记载清康
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据新疆福海县县委宣传部报道,福海县于8月5日至6日,在该县黄花沟农业产业化园区举办了“滨海之城 幸福福海”首届黄花沟万亩向日葵花摄影采风活动。  黄花沟片区距离福海县城85公里,地处古尔班通古特沙漠腹地,每到春夏季节,满沟的黄花开放,因此得名黄花沟。黄花沟已发展成为黄花沟农业产业化园区,完成土地开发15万亩,园区距县城100公里,是一个开发面积大,发展前景广阔的农业产业化园区,2015年被确定自治
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