主人公简介:李放鸣.上校军衔,1999年初任团政委至今。入伍20多年来,20余次立功受奖。2003年,他被成都军区评为优秀旅团主官,被总部表彰为“全军预备役部队建设先进个人”。 在兴起学习贯彻“_三个代表”重要思想新高潮中,四川预师一团政委李放鸣始终把官兵冷嗳放在心间,竭尽全力为官兵排忧解难,用自己的模范行动诠释着一个共产党人、基层领导干部践行“三个代表”的不懈追求--
The protagonist profile: Li Fangming. Colonel rank, since the beginning of 1999, the commissar commissar so far. Enlist for more than 20 years, more than 20 meritorious prizes. In 2003, he was appraised as the outstanding brigade commander by the Chengdu Military Region and was commended by the headquarters as “the advanced individual in building the army reserve force.” In the new upsurge of studying and implementing the important thinking on “three represents,” Li Yanming, a political commissar of the Sichuan Preparatory Division, always placed his officers and men in a cold-hearted manner and did its utmost to solve the problems of officers and men and interpreted a communist example with his exemplary actions. , The leading cadres at the grassroots level have practiced the unswerving pursuit of “three represents”