Magnetic anisotropy of Fe films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering under an external magnetic fiel

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Magnetic Fe films grown on single-crystal Mg O(001) and(011) substrates were prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering. The experimental results showed that by applying an external magnetic field of about 300 Oe to film during deposition, a fourfold cubic magnetic anisotropy on Mg O(001) substrate and a twofold uniaxial magnetic anisotropy on Mg O(011) substrate were generated, compared to the isotropic magnetization of Fe film grown without applying the external magnetic field.Our results suggested that external magnetic field during preparation effectively induced relatively higher surface mobility of sputtered Fe atoms and further promoted the crystallization of Fe film and the enhancement of magnetic anisotropy. The experimental results showed that by applying an external magnetic field of about 300 Oe to film during deposition, a fourfold cubic magnetic anisotropy on Mg O (001) substrate and a twofold uniaxial magnetic anisotropy on Mg O (011) substrate were generated, compared to the isotropic magnetization of Fe film grown without applying the external magnetic field. induced relatively higher surface mobility of sputtered Fe atoms and further promoted the crystallization of Fe film and the enhancement of magnetic anisotropy.
本文研究了安徽大别山天然林内16年生银鹊树和引种于南京的银鹊树幼苗及人工幼林的生物量,分析了光能利用率。研究结果表明: (1)常规芦簾遮光,一龄苗的生物量为1777.5kg/ha。
开春不久,家中迎来惊喜:儿子编剧、导演的话剧在全市中小学生才艺大赛中得了一等奖。儿子很开心,抱着我和他爸亲了又亲。看着眼前这个阳光、积极、俊朗的少年,我思绪翻飞,想起自己这些年来对他的教育,力求不显山不露水,潜移默化,总算没有白费劲,而这其中,诸多的优秀电影扮演了重要角色,帮了我大忙。  电影帮儿子打开成长心结  儿子自小聪明伶俐,可5岁时出现了交际障碍。他向往和小朋友一起玩,但玩不到几分钟,他就
朋友兴奋地在电话里说:“周末来我家玩儿吧,我养的花都开了,漂亮极了!”我一口答应了,分享朋友的幸福和快乐,也带给自己一份幸福和快乐,何乐而不为?  我按照约定时间到朋友家的时候,发现已经来了3个好友,大家正在一起赏花。朋友非常爱花,养了很多我说不上名字的奇花异草。她家有一个大大的阳台,是买房时特意挑选的。如今,满阳台的花都开了,生机勃勃。阳光照进窗子,花儿们扬着笑脸,沐浴着暖阳,花香弥漫,满室馨香