近两年潜叶蝇活动频繁,为害程度日趋严重,其主要原因一是南菜北运,南方斑潜蝇乘虚而入;二是棚菜生产面积增加,冬季气温较高,有利于潜叶蝇越冬和加代繁殖;三是农民对潜叶蝇识别能力差,用药不及时,一些农民误认为叶片及茎秆上的曲线是病菌所致,用药不对路。 潜叶蝇,俗称夹心虫,属双翅目,潜蝇科。在华北地区常见葱斑潜蝇、菠菜潜叶蝇、豌豆潜叶蝇三类。
In the past two years, leaf miner activities are frequent and the degree of damage is becoming more and more serious. One of the main reasons is that the south vegetable is transported northward and the southern leaf miner takes advantage of it. The second is the increase of greenhouse vegetable production area and the higher winter temperatures, Winter and add on behalf of the breeding; Third, poor farmers on the ability to identify leaf miner, medication is not timely, some farmers mistakenly believe that the curve on the leaves and stems caused by bacteria, medication is wrong. Leaf miner, commonly known as heartworm, is a Diptera, the mute family. In North China common lime lizards, spinach leaf miner, pea leaf miner three categories.