The joint efforts of the five ministries and commissions in launching a nationwide clean-up of illegal security organizations and regulating special rectification work in the security service market began on December 10, 2002 in the whole country. In order to ensure that the clean-up and rectification work is carried out in an in-depth manner, we will not lose track of the actual results. On January 22, the five ministries and commissions again jointly issued a document and decided to extend the clean-up and remediation work to the end of April 30. In mid-March, the leading group office for clean-up and remediation will organize five working groups, each of which will be divided into five departments Bureau-level leadership led, went around for inspection guidance. At present, the climax of the campaign to clean up the illegal security organizations in regulating the market for security services has been set off across the country and remarkable results have been achieved.