Research on vibration characteristics of L-shaped plate using a mobility power flow approach

来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchenlin
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L-shaped plates have become an important focuses in structural vibration research. To determine their vibration characteristics, this paper applied a mobility power flow method. Firstly, the L-shaped plate was divided into two substructures to simplify analysis. The coupled bending moment was then deduced by applying a continuous vibration property on the common edge. Next, the response on any point of the plate and the input and transmitted power flow formulas were calculated. Numerical simulations showed the distribution of the coupled bending moment and the response of the whole structure. The validity of this method was verified by the SEA approach. L-shaped plates have become an important focusing in structural vibration research. then deduced by applying a continuous vibration property on the common edge. Next, the response on any point of the plate and the input and transmitted power flow formulas were calculated. the validity of this method was verified by the SEA approach.
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