我的家在南方的一座小城市里。7年前我考进当地一家国有单位,在贸易部门当行政秘书。进单位后我还考上了在职研究生,前程似乎一片光明。同事莲是个40岁左右的女人,似乎很喜欢结交朋友, 有一段时间,她几乎每天部会请我们这些新员工吃饭,对我们嘘寒问暖,关怀备至。莲是个很不简单的女人,她请我们吃饭是有目的的。她常说:“我们只要抱成团,就可以有福同享。”后来好几位年轻同事都成了她的“帮手”。
My home is in a small city in the south. I was admitted to a local state-owned unit 7 years ago and an administrative secretary in the trade department. After entering the unit I was admitted to working graduate, future seems to be bright. Lin, a colleague, is a woman about 40 years old and seems to like to make friends. For a certain period of time, she invited us to take these new staff almost daily for greetings and consideration. Lin is a very simple woman, she asked us to eat is purposeful. She often said: “As long as we hold a group, we can be blessed with sharing.” Later, several young colleagues have become her “helper.”