东德在30年中共制造了120,000辆铁道车辆,其中有近90,000辆是向国外出口的。向苏联出口的有20,000辆长途客车和30,000辆保温车。目前,东德出口的客车约占世界客车出口总数的75%。东德对苏联出口的车辆最多。1981~1985年,东德将向苏联出口约10,000辆客车和保温车。 1976~1980年,绝大多数东欧国家向东德买了车,其中,捷克-850辆客车;保加利亚-20辆餐车、60辆卧车和20辆旅游用卧车;波兰-50辆客车和130辆卧车;罗马尼亚-220辆双层客车和180辆保温车。此外,还有中国也购买了110辆客车和212
In 30 years, East Germany produced 120,000 rail vehicles, of which nearly 90,000 were exported abroad. Exports to the Soviet Union 20,000 long-distance buses and 30,000 insulation trucks. At present, the buses exported by East Germany account for about 75% of the total world passenger car exports. East Germany exported the most vehicles to the Soviet Union. From 1981 to 1985, East Germany exported about 10,000 passenger and insulation trucks to the Soviet Union. From 1976 to 1980, the vast majority of Eastern European countries bought vehicles from East Germany, of which -850 were in the Czech Republic; 20 in Bulgaria, 60 in sleeper cars and 20 in-bound sleeping cars; 50 in Poland and 130 in sleeper cars ; Romania -220 double-decker buses and 180 insulation trucks. In addition, China also purchased 110 passenger cars and 212