现在全世界艾滋病(AIDS)病魔猖獗。据 UNAIDS/WHO最新统计,截至2005年底全球约有4030万 HIV-1型或2型感染者,在这些感染者中有3800万为成年人(男性2050万人、女性1750万人),15岁以下儿童230万。仅2005年,全球就有490万新感染病例(15岁以儿童感染70万),因 AIDS死亡病例有310万(其中15岁以下儿童有57万),其中95%的新 HIV 感染者在发展中和低收入国家。我国性病艾滋病防治协会会长、卫生部艾滋病专家委员会主任戴志澄在2005年10月22日“中国首届性医学国际论坛”上表示,自1985年中国发现第1例 AIDS 病例以来,中国估计已有 HIV现有感染者84万,AIDS 患者8万。中国卫生部副部长王陇德11月28日在全国艾滋病防工作电视电话会议上说,截止
AIDS is rampant in the world now. According to the latest UNAIDS / WHO statistics, about 40.3 million people with HIV-1 or 2 infections worldwide by the end of 2005, 38 million of whom are adults (20.5 million men and 17.5 million women) and 15 years 2.3 million children below. In 2005 alone, there were 4.9 million new infections worldwide (700,000 children aged 15 years), 3.1 million deaths due to AIDS (including 570,000 children under 15 years of age), of which 95% of new HIV infections are developing Middle and low-income countries. Dai Zhicheng, president of China Association of STD and AIDS Prevention and Control AIDS Experts Committee of the Ministry of Health, said at the First China International Symposium on Sexual Medicine on October 22, 2005 that China has estimated that since the first AIDS case was discovered in China in 1985, There are currently 840,000 people infected and 80,000 AIDS patients. Wang Longde, Vice Minister of China’s Ministry of Health, said on the national AIDS prevention TV conference call on November 28 that as the deadline