Urokinase is one of two plasminogen activators (PA). It is a serine protease that activates the conversion of plasminogen to fibrin. Therefore, urokinase regulates many of the changes that require extracellular proteolysis, such as cell migration, remodeling and involu- tion of tissue. Extracellular proteolysis may be necessary for malignant phenotypes in which tumor cells express invasion and metastasis. Many transformed cell lines secrete larger amounts of urokinase, which is consistent with this model. The physiological function of monocytes requires cell migration. These cells must leave the bloodstream and enter adjacent tissues to differentiate into macrophages and participate in phagocytosis. Plasminogen activators may accelerate the early stages of this continuous change by promoting lysis of the basement membrane and breaking of the intercellular bridges. Vassalli and other recent report card