来源 :安徽中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:queenie88
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Interrogation occupies a very important position in the four methods of diagnosis. Through interrogation, the doctor can find out the pathogenic factors, the development of the disease and a lot of valuable information. Great ancient doctor Zhang Jingyue spoke of interrogation as “the main point in diagnosis and the first important thing in clinical practice” Interrogation occupies a very important position in the four methods of diagnosis. Through interrogation, the doctor can find out the pathogenic factors, the development of the disease and a lot of valuable information. Great ancient doctor Zhang Jingyue spoke of interrogation as “the main Point in diagnosis and the first important thing in clinical practice”
It has previously been shown that human neu-trophils ingest and kill nonpathogenic Leptospi-ra biflexa in the absence of serum but that pa-thegenic Leptospira
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不知道从什么时候起,流行这样的诗:从前的一切都很慢。  听起来真的很美。可我的主业是读金庸。老爷子告诉我,这样慢不一定就很好。  我们先从韦小宝的故事聊起。那一年,韦小宝差点当了鲁滨逊。  他狠狠得罪了康熙,觉得自己死定了,就偷跑到荒岛上躲了起来,带着七个老婆。那里没有船,没有水手,没有人烟。  那一晚,很大的雪。他正在屋里烤火,忽然风中传来一个声音:“小桂子,小桂子,你在哪?小玄子记挂着你哪!”
[主要成分] 每片含去甘草甜素的甘草浸膏 380mg 氢氧化铝 100mg 碳酸镁 200mg 碳酸氢钠 100mg 次硝酸铋 100mg [作用与用途] 佳胃得主要作用成分是去甘草甜素的甘草,能增强
Here“tongue”refers to the pulsc and muscle tissues of the tongue,thatis,the tongue proper.Through observation of the tongue the doctor canjudge the patient’