挖掘教材内涵 扎实做好四个把握

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新课程实施以来,不同版本的小学数学新编教材呈现的教学内容灵活多样、图文并茂,带着很强的趣味性、探索性、开放性和实践性走进了我们的课堂,为教师的创造性教学提供了良好的契机,也为学生的数学学习提供了更为广阔和丰富的活动空间.但因面对的学情不同、区域不同,有些内容还需要老师们在研读教材时及时做出相应的调整与补充.因此,挖掘教材内涵不仅要依靠教材,用好教材,认真领会教材编排意图,更重要的是从当前教学现状出发,深入挖掘其中蕴含的丰富教育因素,扎实做到四个把握. Since the implementation of the new curriculum, different versions of primary school mathematics teaching materials presented flexible, diverse, illustrated, with a very interesting, exploratory, open and practical into our classroom for the creative teaching of teachers Provides a good opportunity, but also for the students to provide a broader and abundant activities of math learning space.But due to the different learning situations, different regions, some also require teachers to study materials in time to make the appropriate Adjust and supplement.Therefore, to excavate the connotation of textbooks not only rely on the textbooks, make good use of textbooks, comprehend the intent of textbooks, but more importantly, starting from the current teaching situation, dig deep into the richness of education which contains four solid grasp.