这两辆都是价格廉宜、自然吸气的后驱跑车,但谁才能真正令我们满意?是刚升级的丰田86还是全新的马自达MX-5RF?想要神清气爽是有很多办法的。昨晚Y Pengwern客栈的一杯冰啤酒肯定是很有效的一种。今天早晨北威尔士的阵阵寒风也能让人神清气爽,只是“爽”得有些过了头:它们一次次地想把我头上的帽子扯掉,还想把摄影师Aston Parrott的三脚架变成科幻电影中的道具。同时受到寒风虐待的还有两辆后轮驱动、自然吸气、配手动变速器、身材小巧的跑车。孤独地荡漾在一片由涡轮增压小钢炮主宰的海洋里,这两辆车无疑也令我们神清气爽。身披灰色战袍的是丰田86,它刚刚经历
Both are affordable, naturally aspirated sports car, but who can really make us satisfied? Is just upgraded Toyota 86 or the new Mazda MX-5RF? Want to be refreshed there are many ways . Last night, an ice beer from Y Pengwern’s inn was surely a good one. This morning in North Wales, the bursts of wind could also be refreshing, but “cool” was a bit too far: They time and time again want to rip my hat off, but also want to photographer Aston Parrott’s tripod into science fiction movie props. At the same time by the cold wind there are two rear-wheel drive, naturally aspirated, equipped with a manual transmission, compact sports car. Solitary rippling In a sea dominated by turbo gun artillery, these two cars will undoubtedly make us refreshed. Toyota is wearing a gray shirt, 86, it has just experienced