一、前言 尾矿是洗煤厂洗煤中的一种废物,如果处理不好,可能损坏农田或阻塞河道。这样尾矿就成了煤矿“三废”处理中的一个麻烦问题。怎样把尾矿作到废物利用,特别是在黄土缺乏的情况下,如能充分利用它来代用防火注浆材料,那是一件两全其美的事,这就是问题的提出。为了大胆的尝试,高坑矿从1979年7月开始,对易于自燃发火的大槽煤层三个回采工作面进行了试验,并掺配一半左右的黄泥浆,作为前期试验的配比。通过15个月的实践.证明它是有效的、可行的。不但
I. INTRODUCTION Tailings are a type of waste in the coal washing plant that, if not handled properly, may damage farmland or block the river. This tailings has become a coal mine “three wastes” deal with a troublesome problem. How to make tailings for waste utilization, especially in the absence of loess, if we can make full use of it to substitute fireproof grouting material is the best of both worlds. This is the question raised. In order to try boldly, GaoKeng Mine started from July 1979 to test three mining face of large channel coal seam that is easy to spontaneous combustion, and mixed with about half of the yellow mud as the ratio of the previous experiment. After 15 months of practice, prove it to be effective and workable. Not only