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钱梦龙先生曾提出“学生为主体,教师为主导”的观点,无疑是一个非常科学且极富辩证色彩的命题。我想,语文课堂应该把尊重学生自主学习的权利,关注学生的发展,作为重中之重。在教学过程中,我把“课堂激趣,轻松学语文”作为宗旨,创设师生生命绽放活力的课堂。一、设疑激趣,发展思维古人有云:“学贵知疑。”“小疑则小进,大疑则大进。”“疑”是积极思维的表现,又是探索问题的动力。《智取生辰纲》,这篇文章选自《水浒传》。精彩的描写是本篇 Mr. Qian Menglong once put forward the idea that “students are the mainstay and teachers are the dominant.” This is undoubtedly a very scientific and extremely dialectical proposition. I think, Chinese class should respect the rights of students to learn independently, concerned about the development of students, as a top priority. In the process of teaching, I put “class fun, easy to learn language ” as its purpose, to create a teacher and student life blooming classroom. First, set suspicion of excitement, the development of thinking The ancients have said: “Suspected of your knowledge. ” “Small doubt small into the big suspicion is big. ” “Doubt ” is the expression of positive thinking, and Is to explore the issue of power. “Take intelligence birthday”, this article is selected from “Water Margin.” Wonderful description is this
[摘 要] 近年来,随着音乐教育事业的普及和发展,全国艺术类院校特别是综合类大学内的艺术学院对视唱练耳课程的重视程度逐步加强,作为一项音乐基础课程,它已成为综合类高校音乐课程的重点。众多综合类大学受传统教育以及教学条件等客观因素的影响,在全球文化知识交流日益频繁的背景下,视唱练耳课程势必会受到各种影响,如课程的定位、课程内容和教学模式等面临极大的挑战。所以,综合大学必须结合中国音乐教育现状,通过对