胡耀邦同志对广西十分关怀 ,他曾七次到过广西 ,三次在南宁过春节。七访八桂 走遍山乡1934年 ,他在中央苏区担任中央少共秘书长时 ,随红军长征 ,在三军团做过民运、宣传工作。途经灌阳、全州、兴安、资源、龙胜等县 ,这是他第一次到广西。第二次是他担任中共中央委员、团中央?
Comrade Hu Yaobang is very concerned about Guangxi. He has visited Guangxi seven times and the Spring Festival three times in Nanning. In his visit to Shanxiang in 1934, he visited the Central Soviet Area as the chief secretary of the Central Committee. During the long march of the Red Army, he conducted the pro-democracy movement and propaganda work in the Three Corps. Through Guanyang, Quanzhou, Xing’an, resources, Longsheng other counties, this is his first visit to Guangxi. The second time he served as the CPC Central Committee, Central Committee?