在初中一年级数学课上最先碰到的一个问题是帮助学生对“0”的再认识。这是由于负数的引入,使“0”的地位发生了变化。它已不仅表示“没有”,而还有着丰富的意义。下面谈谈个人对这段教学的粗浅见解,和大家共同探讨。 1.要使学生认识到“0”也是一个数。在小学阶段,学生对“0”的认识,往往把它理解为“没有”。直到初中一年级引入负数以后,
One of the first problems encountered in mathematics classes in the first grade of junior high school is to help students re-understand the “0”. This is due to the introduction of negative numbers, which changed the status of “0”. It has not only expressed “nothing” but also has rich meaning. Let’s talk about the individual’s superficial views on this teaching and discuss it with everyone. 1. To make students realize that “0” is also a number. In elementary school, students’ understanding of “0” often interprets it as “no.” After introducing negative numbers into junior high school,