编了很多年的小说,也学着写了很多年的小说, 包括看了很多年的小说,随着时间的流逝,现在越来 越不知道小说是何物了。其实,在我周围的人群中,跟 我有着同样的感觉的还真不在少数。 我相信,每个人都或多或少地有着一定的文学情 结。有的人偏重小说,有的人偏重散文,有的人偏重诗 歌。前几天,在一本文学期刊上,见有一位资深编辑 说,小说是语言的艺术。我对此很不以为然。道理很简 单,小说是语言的艺术,难道散文和诗歌就不是语言 的艺术? 本来,小说和故事在很大程度上只是一帘之隔。
The novels compiled for many years have also learned to write fiction for many years, including reading novels for many years. As time goes on, it is becoming increasingly unknown what the novel is. Actually, among the people around me, I feel like I have the same feeling. I believe that everyone has a certain literary complex more or less. Some people emphasize novels, others prefer prose, while others emphasize poetry. A few days ago, in a literary journal, see a senior editor that novels are the art of language. I do not agree with this. The reason is very simple, the novel is the art of language, is not the prose and poetry is the art of language? Originally, novels and stories are to a large extent separated by a curtain.