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曹:傅老师好!前段时间我参加佛罗里达大学中国留学生和访问学者聚会,讲到今后的去向,一位正在读博士的学生表示,她毕业后肯定要和先生回国发展,她先生在硅谷的一家公司工作,看上去很光鲜,但觉得并不如意,因为在公司里美国人当大领导,印度人当小领导,而中国人只能做具体的工作。这种情況在美国十分常见。为什么出现这种情況?大家各抒己见,争执不下。有人说是文化上的原因,文化性格有差异,被主流文化排斥;有人说是语言上的原因,理工科学生英语不够好,无法融入美国社会; Cao: Teacher Fu! Some time ago I attended a gathering of Chinese students and visiting scholars at the University of Florida. Speaking of the whereabouts of the future, a student studying for a Ph.D. said that after graduation, she definitely wanted to go back to China with her husband. Her husband, a Silicon Valley family The work of the company looks very bright, but it does not feel desirable, because in the company the American is the big leader, the Indians are the small leaders and the Chinese can only do the specific work. This situation is very common in the United States. Why did this happen? We all expressed our own views and wondered. Some people say that cultural reasons, cultural differences, are excluded from the mainstream culture; some people say that the language is reason, science and engineering students in English is not good enough, can not be integrated into American society;