杨靖宇和抗联第一路军赫赫有名 ,但作为抗联第一路军前身的磐石游击队却鲜为人知。它是“九·一八”之后 ,中国共产党在东北组织领导的第一支抗日武装。他们在党的领导下 ,在人民群众的大力支持下 ,采用机动灵活的战略战术 ,英勇的抗击日本侵略者 ,对推动整个南满地区乃至全东北的抗日游击运动起了重大作用
Yang Jingyu and Anti-First Route Army are notoriously famous, but as the predecessor of the Anti-First Route Army, rock guerrillas are little known. It is the first anti-Japanese armed force led by the Communist Party of China in Northeast China after September 18. Under the leadership of the party and with the vigorous support of the people, they adopted the flexible tactics and tactics and bravely fought the Japanese aggressors, which played a significant role in promoting the anti-Japanese guerrilla movement in the entire area of Manchuria and even in the northeast of China.