《圣诞欢歌》(A Christmas Carol1843)、《钟乐》(The Chimes 1844)、《灶上的蟋蟀》(The Cricket on theHearth 1845)、《生活的斗争》(TheBattle Life 1846)、《着魔的人》(TheHaunted Man 1848)一组故事是狄更斯为庆祝圣诞而写的,最初在刊物上连载,后收集成书,统称《圣诞故事》(ChristmasStories)。所谓耶酥诞辰是西方基督教国家的传统节日,原是宗教纪念日,后来商业社会发达,遂演变成世俗的节日,主要内容是亲人团聚、欢宴作乐,宗教性质退居末位。狄更斯在《匹克威克外传》一书中描写了匹克威
A Christmas Carol 1843, The Chimes 1844, The Cricket on the Hearth 1845, The Life of the Battles 1846, The Enchanted Man, (TheHaunted Man 1848) A group of stories written by Dickens to celebrate Christmas, first serialized in the publication, then collected into books, collectively referred to as “ChristmasStories.” The so-called Jesus’ birthday is a traditional festival held in Western Christian countries. It was originally a religious observance day. Later, after a prosperous commercial society, it became a secular festival. Its main content was to reunite his relatives and to have fun at the feast. Dickens described Pickaway in The Pickwick Gospel