针对水土保持工作在新的发展机遇中出现的新情况、新问题 ,根据我国经济社会发展对水土保持的客观要求 ,结合当前水土保持面临的形势和任务 ,明确了新时期水土保持发展的思路。并对实施这个思路 ,在指导思想、当前重点、防治布局、综合治理措施、行业管理等方面提出了具体要求。
In light of the objective requirements for water and soil conservation in China’s economic and social development and in light of the current situation and tasks of soil and water conservation, the thinking on the development of soil and water conservation in the new era has been clearly defined in light of the new situations and problems emerging in the new opportunities for soil and water conservation. And to implement this idea, in the guiding ideology, the current focus, prevention and control of layout, comprehensive management measures, industry management and other aspects of the specific requirements.