最近笔者查阅了近三年来《数学通报》等 6家颇具影响的数学教育类刊物上发表的基于《几何画板》(英文缩写GSP)的计算机辅助数学教学类论文约 3 0余篇 ,发现内容主要涉及以下方面 :一般经验介绍推广 ;特殊课件的技术制作及高级功能开发 ;总结结合GSP开展素质教育、创新教?
Recently, the author has reviewed more than 30 computer-assisted mathematics teaching papers based on the Geometry Sketchpad (GSP) published in six influential mathematics education journals such as the “Making News” in the past three years. Involved in the following aspects: introduction of general experience and promotion; technical production of special courseware and development of advanced functions; summarization of quality education, innovation teaching combined with GSP?