目的分析实施传染病网络直报以来孝感市疟疾疫情,为我市疟疾消除和防控工作提供科学依据。方法采用Excel 2003和SPSS17.0软件对孝感市2004—2014年疟疾疫情数据进行整理分析。结果孝感市2004—2014累计报告疟疾病例844例,年平均发病率为1.58/10万,2005年发病率3.35/10万最高,2012年发病率0.12/10万最低。其中间日疟742例,疟疾未分型66例,恶性疟36例,本地感染病例802例,输入性病例42例,前几年以本地间日疟为主,近几年以输入性恶性疟为主。本地疟疾病例在5—9月份呈明显发病高峰,孝昌、安陆、孝南、大悟报告病例较多,发病人群20岁以上成年人为主,占报告病例总数的85.31%,农民为主,男性多于女性(1.52:1)。输入性疟疾无明显的季节性分布,孝南、安陆、大悟报告病例较多,20岁以上病例占97.62%,90.42%为非洲务工归国人员,青壮年男性居多。结论孝感市本地感染疟疾疫情已得到有效控制,输入性疟疾疫情呈上升趋势,做好输入性疟疾疫情监测将是今后防治工作的重点。
Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of malaria in Xiaogan City since the direct reporting of infectious diseases network and provide a scientific basis for the malaria elimination and prevention and control in our city. Methods Excel 2003 and SPSS17.0 software were used to analyze the malaria epidemic data of Xiaogan City from 2004 to 2014. Results A total of 844 cases of malaria cases were reported in Xiaogan City from 2004 to 2014, with an average annual incidence of 1.58 / 100000. The incidence of malaria was 3.35 / 100000 in 2005 and 0.12 / 100000 in 2012. There were 742 cases of Plasmodium falciparum, 66 cases of untreated malaria, 36 cases of Plasmodium falciparum, 802 cases of local infection and 42 cases of imported cases. In previous years, the majority of cases were Plasmodium falciparum. In recent years, Mainly. The incidence of local malaria cases showed a significant peak in the period from May to September. There were more cases reported in Xiaochang, Anlu, Xiaonan and Dawu. Most of the cases were adults over 20 years of age, accounting for 85.31% of the total number of reported cases, mainly farmers, with more males For women (1.52: 1). Enter malaria no obvious seasonal distribution, Xiaonan, Anlu, Dawu more cases reported, more than 20 years of age accounted for 97.62%, 90.42% for returning workers in Africa, mostly young men. Conclusion The local outbreak of malaria in Xiaogan City has been effectively controlled, and the epidemic situation of imported malaria is on the rise. Monitoring the epidemic of imported malaria will be the focus of future prevention and treatment work.