农村普通中学条件差,要把文学社团搞好,唯一的办法就是在作法上下点功夫,拿出一点与众不同的办法。下面择要谈谈我们的作法。 一、把写文章变为学生自身需要,这是开展文学社团活动的必要条件 农村中学学生参加文学社团,大多数是为了提高作文分数,与把写文章当作自身的需要,还有一定距离。美国心理学家布卢姆认为:“只有在有盼头的时候,人才会努力。”于是我们就在“盼头”两字上做
The conditions of ordinary secondary schools in rural areas are poor, and the only way to improve the literary and community organizations is to work harder and harder and to come up with something unique. Let us talk about our approach below. First, to write articles into students’ own needs, this is a necessary condition for carrying out literary and community activities. Rural middle school students participate in literary societies, most of them are to improve composition scores, and to write articles as their own needs, there is still a certain distance. American psychologist Bloom said: “Only when there is hope, talent will work hard.” So we did it with the word “hope for the head.”