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一、战略与策略1、“军争篇”:“军争之难者,以迂为直,以患为利。”——军争中最难处在于如何通过迂回曲折的途径达到目的,化不利为有利。这一思想说明,如果一味抄直赶近,会欲速不达。把这一思想用于企业的经营决策,就应树立长远目标,不仅要注重眼前效益,更要关注未来,从企业发展的需要出发,积极进行一些眼前见效不明显,但能在将来增强竞争能力,立于不败之地的“先行投资”。2、“形篇”:“善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜。”——善于用兵打仗的人,总是先创造条件,使自己不被敌人战胜,并等待和寻求敌人可能被我战胜的时机。国营大中型企业是我国现代化建设的重要支柱和骨干力量,要在发展有计划的商品经济中经受竞争的考验并在竞争中取胜,就不能不讲究经营策 First, Strategy and Strategy 1. “Armed war for articles”: “The hardest people in the military are fighting for the sake of straightforwardness and taking the advantage for the benefit.” - The most difficult part of the military struggle is how to achieve its purpose through twists and turns and turn it into disadvantages. For the benefit. This idea shows that if you just go straight to the nearest place, you will lose your speed. To apply this idea to the business decision-making of enterprises, we must establish long-term goals. We must not only pay attention to immediate benefits, but must also focus on the future. Starting from the needs of enterprise development, it is not obvious to actively carry out some immediate effects, but it can enhance competitiveness in the future. In an invincible position, “first investment.” 2. “Form”: “Good fighters must first win in order to win the enemy.” - Those who are good at fighting war, always create conditions to prevent them from being defeated by the enemy and wait and seek for the enemy. May be the timing of my victory. State-owned large and medium-sized enterprises are important pillars and backbone forces of China’s modernization construction. To survive the competition and to win the competition in the development of a planned commodity economy, we must pay attention to the operating strategy.
The influence of chirality on the thermal conductivity of single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWNTs) is discussed in this paper, using a non-equilibrium molecular dy
乡(镇)级土地利用规划和村镇规划是当前我国农村经济社会发展规划的重要组成部分,这两者之间既有联系也存在差异,文章主要对其进行了对比研究。 Township (town) level land
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提高生物课堂教学效益的途径有:有效的准备教学设计,有效的开展组内互听课活动,有效的组织课堂教学,有效的进行各种训练,有效的实施个性化指导,有效的课堂教学反思。 Ways t